Gamma World* is a great option for a lite Fourth Edition Game, and its a complete  game unlike the Red Box or Essentials Book.  The players have less powers to worry over and the optimizing is done for them.  Some dislike the wacky Post Apocalyptic setting, but the boxed game can be re-skinned into any format.  Below are just a few.

Dungeon World:  Converting the game to fantasy is easy.  Most character origins roughly correspond to a race or class available in D&D 4e  or a monster race not usually allowed to PCs.  Robotic Origins only mean the PC is half golem, crystaline, living statue, or rock elemental.  Origin powers are martial arts, psychic abilities, orisons, or spells.  Alpha Mutations come from magic potions the group finds.  Omega Tech is magic items discovered while adventuring.  Also check out the "Dungeon World" origins listed below.

Gamma Space:  Movies like Star Wars* and Star Trek* have an infinite variety of alien lifeforms.  The pulp comics of Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, and John Carter of Mars can use the Gamma World* rule set unchanged except for favor and location.  For a game of human technocracy collapse like Fallout*, Darksiders*, Borderlands*, Bioshock*, or Dead Space*, I suggest that every character start as an Engineered Human and only one randomly rolled origin.  Omega Tech remains an unchanged mixture of science and alien artifacts.  Alpha Mutations can be disallowed for realism or are the product of DNA manipulation, nanobots, or robotic gadgetry.  The creatures of Gamma World make deadly aliens, killer robots, and excellent deep space zombies.  Inspiration for Gamma Space adventures can come from any science fiction movie, video game, book, or TV show.

Steam World: Oddly for a game about the Post Apocalypse, with a little tailoring Gamma World* can be the rule set for Victorian Era Adventuring.  Consider Call of Cthulhu, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Sinbad the Sailor, War of the Worlds, Tarzan, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, or The Lost Continent.  Any of these literary classics can be the basis of an adventure of exploration and discovery of creatures and artifacts unknown to the rest of the world.

Gamma Power:  Comic books have claimed for years that radiation will give you superpowers.  You can use Gamma World* rules to create your own superhero.  Rolling up an origin decides what superpowers you have and how odd you look.  In this variation, I would suggest players chose in advance a private stack of seven Alpha Mutation Cards, no more than two alike, that represent unique power stunts the hero can cycle through during an adventure.  

For more extensive modifications and expansions check out:   




Dungeon World Race Themes 

Lightfoot Halfling

His deft hands and sprightly footwork leave you flatfooted


Ability Score: DEXTERITY
Skill Bonus (Level 1): Gain a +4 bonus to Athletics checks.
Nimble Feet (Level 1): Gain a +2 bonus to Reflex and a +2 bonus to AC vs. Opportunity Attacks.
Lucky Dodge (Level 1): Once per encounter, you can force an opponent to re-roll a successful attack.
Small Size (Level 1): You gain a +1 attack bonus and a +1 AC bonus due to your size ,but you can not use two handed weapons.
Lightfoot Critical (Level 2 or 6): When you score a critical hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you can shift one square after the attack.


You dart in and out of striking distance when attacking.
At-Will * Martial, Physical, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee 2
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity + your level + weapon accuracy vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier + twice your level physical damage. 

You have learned to roll with the punches, literally.
Immediate Interrupt - Personal
Trigger: You are pushed, slid, or knocked prone by an attack 
Effect: You can shift your DEXTERITY modifier instead.

Your small stature allows for the perfect placement of a crushing blow.
Encounter * Physical, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity + your level + weapon accuracy vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier + your twice level physical damage, and your target is "dazed" (save ends). 


You have superb coordination, are always aware of your surroundings, and hate being called a tree-hugger, because the true insults always hurt the most.


Ability Score: Dexterity
Skill Bonus (Level 1): Gain a +4 bonus to Stealth checks.
Quick on Your Toes (Level 1): Gain a +2 bonus to Reflex.
Keen Eyes (Level 1): When your target has cover, you only take a -1 penalty to the attack roll instead of -2.
Fleet (level 1): Gain a +1 bonus to speed.
Elf Critical (Level 2 or 6): When you score a critical hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you can shift 3 squares as a free action.


You take aim in a split second and unleash a single strike that rarely fails to hit its mark.
At-Will * Physical, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity + your level + 2 + weapon accuracy vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier + twice your level physical damage.

Free Action - Personal
Trigger: You make an attack roll and dislike the result
Effect: Reroll the attack roll and use the second result.

You are able to get off a pair of shots with a ranged weapon rather than one.
Encounter * Physical, Weapon
Standard Action - Ranged weapon
Target: One creature or two adjacent creatures
(2) Attacks: Dexterity + your level + weapon accuracy vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier + twice your level physical damage per attack

Mountain Dwarf

You can't be moved...unless there are precious metals involved.


Ability Score: Constitution
Skill Bonus (Level 1): Gain a +4 bonus to Nature checks.
Child of Stone (Level 1): Gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude and a +1 bonus to AC.
Encumbered Speed (Level 1): You move your speed, even while wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load.
Stocky (Level 1): Take a -1 penalty to speed.
Dwarf Critical (Level 2 or 6): When you score a critical hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you gain a +4 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.


When you choose to move, no one can stand in your way.
At-Will * Physical, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution + your level + weapon accuracy vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Constitution modifier + twice your level physical damage, and you push the target 1 square.

You've chosen this spot to stand, and stand there you shall.
Immediate Interrupt - Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack that pulls you, pushes you, slides you, or knocks you prone
Effect: You aren't pulled, pushed, slid, or knocked prone by the attack.

You knock your foe to the ground and smash'm.
Encounter * Physical, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee weapon
Target: One Creature
Attack: Constitution + your level + weapon accuracy vs. Reflex
Effect: You foe is knocked prone and you can make an immediate basic attack on the target and add your Constitution modifier to the damage inflicted.

Healthy Green Blooded Warrior
You possess an endless depth of rage and love of violence. Everyone should see you are far superior to any weak, pink skinned, human and you don't mind knocking skulls together to prove it.
Appearance: You have green skin, long arms, a pair of tusks jutting from your lower jaw, and beady yellow eyes. You may use any armor, tool, or weapon available to other humanoids. The exact nature of your dress and occupation depends on your secondary origin roll.  

Orc Traits
Mutant Type: Strength; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge 
Skill Bonus (Level 1): Gain a plus +4 bonus to Conspiracy checks
Closed Mind (Level 1): Gain a +2 bonus to Will 
Blood Lust (Level 1): Increase your damage on "Bloodied" targets by two. 
Orc Critical (Level 2 or 6): When you score a Critical Hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you knock the target prone.

Orc Powers 

Cracking Skulls Orc Novice
You snatch two adjacent foes with your long arms and smash their heads with resounding force
Encounter a Bio, Physical
Standard Action Close Burst 2
Target: 1 or 2 creatures
Attack: Strength + your level vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Strength Modifier physical damage and your target is "dazed" until your next turn.

War Cry Orc Utility
You bellow and beat your shield displaying to one and all your superior resolve and fury
Encounter a BioImmediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You fail a saving throw to end an ongoing effect
Effect: You re-roll your save adding a +5 power bonus to the roll. If successful, you gain 5 plus your level temporary hit points.

Hurling Hooligan Orc Expert
You hurl a severed head, bottle, chunk of masonry, or other piece of battle debris at your enemy.
Encounter a Bio, Physical
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: 1 creature
Attack: Strength + your level vs. AC

Hit: 3d10 +Strength Modifier + twice your level in physical damage and the target is "dazed" (save ends).


From The Earth We Come, And In The Earth We Remain 
You know that worms are clever, subtle, and graceful and have no need of limbs or a ridged skeleton. You can see, hear, talk, and hold objects by coiling your lower body around them. 

Appearance: You are a limbless, sticky, flesh-hose and those are your good qualities. The worm covers not only invertebrates, but non-venomous snakes, slugs, tape worms, leeches, eels, and limbless lizards.

Worm Traits
Mutant Type: Wisdom; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge 
Skill Bonus (Level 1): Gain a plus +4 bonus to Stealth
Perseverance of the Downtrodden (Level 1): +2 to Fortitude 
Writhe and Wriggle (Level 1): You are hard to pin down and have a +2 to defense bonus against attacks that would result in you being knocked prone, immobilized, or restrained.
Worm Critical (Level 2 or 6): When you score a Critical Hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage. If it is a melee attack, can move as a free action to any square adjacent to your target.

Worm Powers
Creepy Crawler Worm Novice
You are able to move through a crowd of enemies to reach your true target.
Encounter a Bio, Physical
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: 1 creatures
Attack: Wisdom + your level + Weapon Proficiency vs. AC
Effect: You shift a number of squares equal to your Wisdom Modifier even if they are occupied by others without provoking opportunity attacks before or after you attack.
Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom Modifier + your level

Plumbing Snake Worm Utility
You can squeeze through a narrow pipe, mouse hole, or burrow just below the surface of the soil
At Will a Bio, Physical
Free Action Personal
Effect: You can move normally through the top layer of loose dirt or sand, a narrow duct, or a pipe that only a "Tiny" creature could fit through. This utility is especially useful for sneaking up on a target. You can't wear armor or hold objects while squeezing or burrowing. A successful "Stealth" check means you remain undetected (unheared and unseen).
Strangle Hold Worm Expert
You use your body to bind your foe while you slit its throat
Encounter a Bio, Physical
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: 1 creatures
Attack: Wisdom Modifier + your level + W.P. vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom Modifier + your level weapon damage and your target is "restrained" until your next turn.
Sustained Attack: You can repeat this power each round on your target by spending a standard action and succeeding at another attack roll vs. reflex (as above). While holding your foe restrained you occupy the same square, you provide it partial cover with your own body, are hit by any area effects that hit your target, and grant combat advantage to any other creatures that wish to attack you. If you stop sustaining your attack or fail an attack roll your "strangle hold" is broken.
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